San Antonio Polo Club

Community & Government

P.O. Box 6341, San Antonio, TX 78209

Alamo Heights


As the SAPC is a non-profit club, we want to give back to the city of San Antonio by promoting the sport of polo and having a whole lot of fun doing it! Members will also receive exclusive invitations to SAPC events, including an annual international match, and advanced notice of social functions & matches. The mission of the San Antonio Polo Club is to: 1. To promote the public education, awareness and appreciation for the sport of polo in the United States as part of a community wide program. 2. To make charitable grants to other 501(c)3 charitable organizations. 3. To encourage the youth of the community to appreciate the sport of polo through various educational programs, including the opportunity to learn through actual physical participation in polo games and scrimmages. 4. To provide free equestrian events and assistance with other 501(c)3 charitable organizations in need of financial or location assistance. In layman's terms: Our mission at the San Antonio Polo Club, a 501(c)3, is to bring polo back to the greater San Antonio area by promoting the public education, awareness, and appreciation for the sport of polo and to provide opportunities for underprivileged children to learn horsemanship and develop skills to play polo and build their self-confidence.

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